March is that special month of the year which many of us look forward to because it opens the doors to spring. A season that blooms with lights, colour, shapes, smells and intense sensations.

At Splash by Lo we think that the seasons of the year are like the creative process we follow until a print blossoms on our customers’ garments.

Let us start with summer. Just as summer brings with it long, warm and vigorous days, it also personifies the initial phase of our creative process, which is full of inspiration. It is the time when we look for new ideas and concepts for our prints, making the most of the freshness and vitality of the moment.

Then comes autumn, which symbolizes drawing. Just as trees change their leaves for naked branches, we give shape to our ideas, creating sketches and designs that capture the essence of what we want to vividly convey through our fabrics. It is a period of reflection and precision, where every stroke counts to achieve the intended visual harmony.

Winter welcomes us with a calmness and quietness that evokes the stage of plain fabric, when we carefully select the textiles that will bring our prints to life. It’s a phase of research and experimentation. The time we devote to finding the perfect materials to complement our designs.

Finally, spring marks the explosion of colour in our creative process. Just as this season brings with it the renewal and blossoming of nature, at Splash by Lo it is the time when our creations come to life. Vibrant colours and unique patterns combine to shape the garments that make our customers look radiant at the beach.

In conclusion, just as seasons mark the phases in the course of the year, our creative process goes through different stages, each with its own particular charm and meaning. From the initial inspiration to the final explosion of colour, each step is crucial to creating swimwear fabrics that reflect the beauty and fun of summer.